The userland-level untethered jailbreak by
@comex is
The iBoot-level untethered jailbreak by
@geohot is
A good jailbreak video can't be faked by other means. For an “untethered jailbreak”, a video should meet these requirements:
Unobscured ipod Touch 3G (“ipt3g”) in full view at all times resting on a table with nothing connected except earbuds
Show “Voice Control” app working
Reboot ipt3g using keypresses
When ipt3g comes back, install a Winterboard theme that changes your homescreen background. To make the video even shorter, already have this theme installed and just show it still working after the reboot, with your non-black homescreen background (what shows up behind your app icons).
A video like this doesn't reveal the actual purported exploit to Apple. In fact, it doesn't even show the jailbreak program itself! It merely shows that a jailbreak program was run at some point in the past, and now provides an untethered jailbreak.